Alain Ceccato
Chief Information Security Officer, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Alain Ceccato has a long history in Computer Sciences, working for companies such as Reuters or HP, since 1985. After 14 years spent in his own consulting company dedicated to (cyber)security focusing notably on compliance audit ISO 27001, risk management and Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery, he joined the ICRC in 2012 as its CISO. Since then, he is committed in a continuous improvement process whose objective is to implement a cyber security strategy aligned on the evolving needs of the institution.

Katharina Frey
Deputy Head Digitalisation Division, Swiss Foreign Ministry of Federal Affairs
Katharina Frey is a Swiss diplomat, currently serving as Deputy Head of a new division on Digitalization in Foreign Policy, which she is establishing within the Swiss Foreign Ministry. She holds a Master degree in law of the Universities of Zurich and Geneva and a Master in Public Administration from London School of Economics. With previous professional experience at district court of Zurich, Katharina Frey entered the diplomatic career in 2007. Since then she served in postings in Paris and Vienna (UN Mission) and was responsible for the recruitment and training of the Swiss diplomatic corps. She served as board member on several recruitment commissions of Switzerland, Austria and Lichtenstein, as a mentor for young professional women from LSE and is a lecturer at the Swiss School of Public Governance of ETH Zürich. Katharina Frey has two daughters.

Ottavia Galuzzi
Cyber Operations Officer, CyberPeace Institute
Ottavia joined the CyberPeace Institute in 2019. She focuses on creating, implementing and raising awareness of the Institute’s pre-incident services to improve the skills and knowledge of beneficiaries to prepare for cyberattacks. Ottavia has worked across the private and public sectors as a cybersecurity and intelligence consultant and adviser. She has an Masters degree in Cybersecurity, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Patrick Ghion
Police cantonale, Centre de compétences cyber pour la Suisse occidentale
Patrick Ghion has been working for the Geneva State Police for 25 years. He is now the Head of the Department of Forensic Sciences at Geneva State Criminal Police – constituted by 6 divisions among which the Cybercrime, Cyber Intelligence, and Cyber Investigations. He is also the Head of the Regional Cyber Competence Centres for Western Switzerland (RC3). Before joining the Law Enforcement Forces, he worked in several Swiss banks and also lived a while as a diving instructor in Asia.

Fabien Leimgruber
Senior Program Manager, CyberPeace Institute
Fabien joined the CyberPeace Institute in 2020. His role is to build up the CyberPeace Builders’ network. Fabien has several years experience in cybersecurity in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. He managed the Cyber Threat Intelligence Unit at Kudelski Security and then he joined the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as the Information Security Awareness Adviser. He has a Masters of Law in Criminality and Information Security from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland.

Charlotte Lindsey (Curtet)
Chief Communication Officer, CyberPeace Institute
Charlotte has spent 30 years in the humanitarian sector, including as Director of Communication and Information Management and Director of Digital Transformation and Data at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as a number of other positions in the Headquarters and warzones. At the CyberPeace Institute, Charlotte oversees the public and corporate communication. Charlotte holds an MSc in Communication Management and a BA in Business Studies.

Eric Monnier
Head of information services, Terre des Hommes Fondation
Eric has been working for the Terre des hommes foundation for 5 years as head of Information Services. With 30 years of experience in managing IT teams and systems in different sectors (Private Banks, Pharma, Industries, ...), Eric has specialized the last 20 years in change management and IT transformation. In 5 years, Tdh has seen its IT totally transformed to be adapted to the specificity of humanitarian organizations.

Christina Wille
Director, Insecurity Insight
Founder of the Aid in Danger Project and the Security in Numbers Database (SiND), Christina’s work focuses on monitoring threats and violence affecting aid work with a particular focus on the complex intersection between aid access and the protection of healthcare and education in conflict. Christina edits the annual Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition report for which Insecurity Insight generates the data.